Spring storms may not make it feel as though summer is on its way, but before you know it the days will be longer and hotter prompting you to locate a comfortable place to stay cool. That’s what makes this the perfect time to pull out all of your outdoor equipment for annual cleaning and inventory. There’s nothing worse than being all set to go on a camping trip or vacation or work on a home project only to discover some of your equipment is broken, filthy, or just plain missing. Here are a few tips to get you prepared for your summer activities.
Seasonal Backyard Equipment
Items like above ground pools and canopies receive a lot of wear and tear sitting in the hot sun and then being stored away through the cold winter months; making it more important than ever to store and unpack these items carefully.
- Above Ground Pools / Wading Pools – Whether you have a wading pool or a larger above ground pool, you will want to pull these out of storage, lay them out, and clean them thoroughly with some sort of algae remover or disinfectant. Make sure to rinse all cleaning products completely before drying the surfaces and testing for leaks. Extreme temperatures and prolonged storage can cause canvas materials to crack. Doing these steps will give you a clean start when the time for set-up and use rolls around.
- Pop-Ups and Canopies – As these items keep you cool in scorching temperatures, the absorb the harmful rays and heat that the sun emits causing them to deteriorate and malfunction over time. To avoid one of these malfunctions at an important event, pull out and set-up your canopies and pop-ups inspecting all of the hinges, bars, bungee cords, and cables. Dust off all canvas and lubricate moving parts for easier set-up. This will make set-up a breeze while extending the life of your equipment.
Bar-B-Que and Outdoor Kitchen Equipment
Depending on where you live it’s not always feasible to leave your backyard kitchen equipped throughout the winter months. Making this the perfect time to pull your old bar-b-que or smoke out of storage along with any coolers or bar sets that you will want to use for your backyard entertaining and giving them a once over.
- Bar-B-Ques and Smokers – After sitting for months not being used, these handy cooking gadgets need a lot of TLC. Start by giving them a good spray down followed by de-rusting any surfaces that may have chipped paint or rusty chrome. Clean all grates thoroughly before lubricating any moving parts and curing any cooking surfaces to prevent sticking.
- Mini-Fridge and Coolers – These will need a quick test to make sure the cooling element is still functioning correctly, followed by a complete scrub down to remove any remaining particles and leftover spills from the previous season. Check all seals to make sure there are no air leaks, and hinges to assure all parts are working correctly.
Preparing to get summer started with a bang is one of the highlights of spring. The more you do now, the less you have to do later on when you are ready to have fun. And when the fun is over, contact your local Browning Park Mini Storage for all of your convenient off-site storage needs. Storing your long-term seasonal items with us allows you to make better use of your in-home storage for better organization and protection of your stored belongings.